Karl Fisch - wrote the Edublog post of the year in 2007 with Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? - a wonderful post that concluded with:
In the first few years of the 21st century, you can still be successful if you’re technologically illiterate, but it’s getting harder (and those that are literate have many more opportunities available to them). And by the end of the next decade, I think there will be very little chance of success for those that are technology illiterate.Back in March - we asked about the Scope of Learning Responsibility and received a lot of response. Most (if not all) respondents felt that we have fairly broad responsibilities that go beyond formal learning opportunities.
In order to teach it, we have to do it. How can we teach this to kids, how can we model it, if we aren’t literate ourselves? You need to experience this, you need to explore right along with your students. You need to experience the tools they’ll be using in the 21st century, developing your own networks in parallel with your students. You need to demonstrate continual learning, lifelong learning – for your students, or you will continue to teach your students how to be successful in an age that no longer exists.
So, if we have responsibility for informal learning, social learning, eLearning 2.0, long tail learning, etc. then ...
Don't we have to conclude that learning professionals must be literate in these things?I personally see this as much bigger. Work Literacy is trying to figure out how knowledge workers can be helped to improve their skills to take advantage of things like social media and new forms of informal learning. This leads me to ...
If so, then what should learning professionals do to become literate?
Should workplace learning professionals be leading the charge around these new work literacies?To me, these are substantial issues facing all learning organizations and workplace learning professionals. It is THE big question today. It represents a shift in responsibility. A revolution in workplace learning. We can't be training organizations. We must become learning organizations. As learning professionals, we must lead the charge by being in front.
Shouldn't they be starting with themselves and helping to develop it throughout the organizations?
And then shouldn't the learning organization become a driver for the organization?
And like in the world of libraries don't we need to market ourselves in this capacity?
How to Respond:
Option 1 - Simply put your thoughts in a comment
Option 2 -
Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post).
Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). I will only copy and past, thus, I would also recommend you include your NAME immediately before your link. So, it should look like:
Tony Karrer - Safety Training Design
or you could also include your blog name with something like:
Tony Karrer - Safety Training Design : eLearning Technology
Posts So Far:
- The Learning Revolution: Where have all the leaders gone?
- Harold Jarche - Skills 2.0
- Gina Minks: Adventures in Corporate Education What Competencies do Knowledge Workers Need?
- Clark Quinn - Learnlets: Lead the Charge?
- Tony Karrer - eLearning Technology - Learning Professional Leaders
- Karyn Romeis - Going off half-cocked
- Wendy Wickham - One Project at a Time
- Stephen Lahanas - Welcome to The Revolution
- Shilpa Patwardhan: Would you trust a firefighter who did not know how to fight fire?
- Catherine Lombardozzi - The short answer is yes
- The E-Learning Curve - Web 2.0 technologies and learning professionals' opportunities and challenges
- Kerry McGuire - Live and Learn: What's the real question?
- Kevin Shadix - There's no "I" in "We."
- Clive Shepherd
- Christy Tucker - Experiencing E-Learning: Leading by Example
- Tony Karrer - Work Literacy - Conscious Performance - Path to Improvement
- Deb Gallo - Lead the charge?
- Jay Cross - No, no, no, no.
- Taruna Goel - New Work Literacies - Leading the Way
- Tony Karrer - Value of Social Media
- Peter Isackson - Phoning it in
- Geetha Krishnan - The LCB Question Bank
- Mark Oehlert - July's Big Question...Tony K and the "Learning Discipline"
- Kimberly McCollum: The networked nature of information
- Tony Karrer - Leading Learning and New Skills