Jay Cross and Harold Jarche - Future of the Training Department
Jay Cross - eLearning is not the Answer
Tony Karrer - Corporate Training
Dave Wilkins - The Future of Training Started Yesterday
Thus, for March 2009 Big Question is:
Workplace Learning in
10 Years?
If you peer inside an organization in 10 years time and you look at how workplace learning is being supported by that organization, what will you see? What will the mix of Push vs. Pull Learning; Formal vs. Informal supported by the organization? Are there training departments? What are they doing? How big are they as compared to today? What new departments will be responsible for parts of workplace learning? What will current members of training departments be doing in 10 years?
How to Respond:
How to Respond:
Option 1 - Simply put your thoughts in a comment below. This may be hard given the complexity of the topic.
Option 2 -
Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post).
Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). I will only copy and past, thus, I would also recommend you include your NAME immediately before your link. So, it should look like:
Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0
or you could also include your blog name with something like:
Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 : eLearningTechnology
Posts so far (and read comments as well):
- The Learning Revolution: 2019: A workplace learning odyssey
- Piotr Peszko: Will "training" exist in 2019 ?
- MinuteBio Big Question - In the Year 2019
- Quinnovator (at Learnlets) - Workplace learning in 10 years
- David Wilkins - Social Learning Blog: "Workplace Learning" in 10 Years?
- Harold, Clark, Jay - YouTube discussion.
- Jay Cross - my personal thoughts on the matter.
- Karyn Romeis - March's big question - worplace learning in 10 years
- Mohamed Amine Chatti - The future of the training department
- Clive Shepherd's predictions - http://tinyurl.com/d7qakm
- Lisa Meece The Big Question: http://www.bottomlineperformance.com/lolblog/?p=689
- Here's a vision of technology in 2019 that will stretch your thinking.
- Adventures in Corporate Education - I answered the big question with a question. :)
- Jacob McNulty: Learning & Development in the Future
- Anthony Montalvo - El aprendizaje en la empresa en 10 años
- Matt Moore: Learning + Knowledge = ?
- Sreya Dutta: Big Question: Workplace Learning in 10 years
- Ken Allan's Response
- Tony Karrer - eLearning Technology - Workplace Learning Professionals Next Job - Management Consultant
- Ignatia/Inge de Waard gives a Belgian/Indian/American two cents of a human/machine interface for the future (that is now)
- Rodolpho Arruda - Workplace Learning in 10 Years
- Ryan Tracey - E-Learning in the Corporate Sector
- Workplace Learning and Me - 10 years from now...
- Upside Learning Blog - The Future of Workplace Learning
- Saul Carliner - Long Live Instructor Led Learning
- Tony Karrer - Long Live