Wednesday, July 1

New Skills for Learning Professionals

This month's big question comes out of a discussion that I've been having in various forms over the past few years. In a Learning 2.0 world, where learning and performance solutions take on a wider variety of forms and where churn happens at a much more rapid pace, what new skills and knowledge are required for learning professionals?

New Skills and Knowledge for Learning Professionals?

I know that there's already quite a bit out there on this topic, so please point us to existing information on the topic.

How to Respond:

Option 1 - Put your thoughts in a comment below. Likely there can be some pretty good thoughts left via a comment.

Option 2 -

Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post).
Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). I will only copy and past, thus, I would also recommend you include your NAME immediately before your link. So, it should look like:

Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0

or you could also include your blog name with something like:

Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 : eLearningTechnology

Responses So Far:


  1. Now you've motivated me to update my 2008 article on Skills 2.0 for learning professionals. Things change quickly.

  2. A response to this month's question from Clive Shepherd:

  3. The main job is to understand the business or organization. No more hiding out behind learning doctrine. Lots more on this topic on Informal Learning blog.

  4. E-Learning Curve Blog: Learning Professionals’ Skills 2.0 – a business perspective on the Big Question.

  5. I'm obviously ready for another trip home, here's my post: Gina from Adventures in Corporate Education

  6. Whoops! I seem to have linked to the wrong post!

    Do your job!

  7. In ID Reflections: Synthesizing a few key points from a few of the responses...points that I identified with. This is the first part..

  8. Sahana: Here's a post from Eric Davidove ( that talks about the vanishing concept of expertise...

  9. Sahana: Reading different posts related to this question took me to 12 Learning Predictions for 2009 from Tony Karrer. Was trying to map the predictions to the new skills many have mentioned and thought it would be useful to share the link here again. 12 Learning Predictions for 2009

  10. Sahana - thanks for the pointers/contributions.

    On Eric's - the link doesn't really work - is there another URL?

    On the fantastic post (by me) - I'm not quite connecting the dots that you are seeing.

    Maybe a comment or another post.

    Look forward to continue conversation.

  11. Hi, I talk from Brazil and this is a post that takes into account the Brazilian scenario.

    Leonardo Coelho - Conhecimento XXI/ Learning in the 21st Century

  12. I summarized the possible job careers and skill sets that new learning professionals must prepare for.

    Collaborative Learning Anthropologist and Specialist (CLA): Enterprise 2.0, Web 2.0 and Learning Career or Job Opportunities

  13. Thats true, i really want to appreciate this effort, as we are going to improve every field of our lives, so this is the basic things, if it improves we can easily get our desired results, thanks for giving us this chance to share our ideas with you.

  14. It's always best understand the basics of everything and to adopt to changes.

  15. @Character Education

    yeah, you're right.


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