Thursday, July 1

Brain Learning and eLearning Design

David Grebow suggested this month's Big Question (thanks David).

There's been a lot of discussion around cognitive theory and "how the brain learns." I've been to a lot of conference sessions around this and I've captured a bunch of really great resources below.

But even with all of that discussion there's a question of whether people are really making changes to the design of their online learning.

So the July Question is:

Does the discussion of "how the brain learns" impact your eLearning design?

How to Respond:

Option 1 - Simply put your thoughts in a comment below.

Option 2 -

Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post).
Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). I will only copy and past, thus, I would also recommend you include your NAME immediately before your link. So, it should look like:

Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0

or you could also include your blog name with something like:

Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 : eLearningTechnology

Video Link and Posts so far (and read comments as well):

Top 32 Posts on Brain, Learning, eLearning Design

I used eLearning Learning to do some quick research to find top resources related to Cognitive Theory, Brain in combination with terms like Instructional Design, Online Learning, Learning Theory, Pedagogy such as: Cognitive Learning Theory, Brain Learning Theory, Instructional Design and Cognitive Theory, Brain and Learning Styles, Brain and Instructional Design, Brain Online Learning Design, Online Learning Pedagogy - this found 32 really great resources on this topic that I've listed below:
  1. The Science Behind Learning: Cognitive Tips and How Tos for Corporate Training, February 28, 2010
  2. Expanding On The Nine Events Of Instruction- The eLearning Coach, April 19, 2010
  3. Transfer of Learning - Theories and Implications- Designed for Learning, October 31, 2009
  4. Why are people so dumb? (Cognitive Biases), November 1, 2009
  5. Cognitive Load vs. Load Time, October 9, 2009
  6. Aging. Can We Enhance People's Cognitive Outcomes?, June 4, 2009
  7. Rob Barton: Reducing Extraneous Cognitive Load by Accounting for Individual Differences, January 12, 2009
  8. Push Your Brain! Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, January 26, 2009
  9. Discovering Instructional Design, Part 1- The E-Learning Curve, May 19, 2009
  10. Taxonomy of Learning Theories- E-learning in the Corporate Sector, January 12, 2010
  11. Game-based meta-cognitive coaching- Learnlets, October 15, 2009
  12. 20 Facts You Must Know About Working Memory- The eLearning Coach, June 2, 2010
  13. Start and End eLearning Courses with Methods That Facilitate Learning- Integrated Learnings, January 26, 2010
  14. Cognitive Psychology Anyone?- The eLearning Coach, January 25, 2010
  15. Inaccurate claims of brain training benefits- Lars is Learning, January 8, 2008
  16. Definition: Cognitivism- Kapp Notes, December 28, 2006
  17. Theory-informed design tips- E-learning in the Corporate Sector, February 9, 2010
  18. The science of learning- Clive on Learning, February 21, 2007
  19. Deeper Instructional Design- In the Middle of the Curve, November 13, 2008
  20. Brain Based Learning- eLearning Blender, September 28, 2008
  21. Understanding Learning Styles Research- Experiencing eLearning, September 1, 2008
  22. 4 ways to enlist the learners’ unconscious mind- Thinking Cloud, December 20, 2009
  23. Daniel Pink and Framing the Task, September 22, 2009
  24. Brain rules – where does that leave us?- Clive on Learning, June 22, 2009
  25. Brain Rules & learning- Informal Learning, June 13, 2010
  26. Brain changing technology- Learning Technology Learning, March 15, 2010
  27. The art of changing the brain- Clive on Learning, May 13, 2008
  28. Tools and our brain, July 10, 2009
  29. Be Skeptical of Brain-Based Learning, July 21, 2008
  30. Are you being fooled by claims of brain-based learning?, June 2, 2010
  31. That brain of ours, July 9, 2009
  32. 12 Brain Rules continue to stir interest with Instructional Designers, April 10, 2009