Saturday, July 29

Do You Trust Me?

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a transglobal teleconference on the Future of Media here in San Francisco along with a link to a concurrent session in Sydney, Australia. Despite some audio/visual problems with the link between the two sites, the content of the sessions was thought provoking and painstakingly honest. To hear leaders in the field admit to not really knowing what's going to happen is both refreshing and a bit scary. But that's the reality of where things are at today.

Because of the richness of the evening's content, I'm going to split my reactions up between a couple of posts here on LCB and a couple over on e e learning.

One of the topics that came out in nearly every discussion was that of trust, the role it plays in media today and how it will be even more a factor in the future. Mike Linksvayer (CTO of Creative Commons) and Andy Halliday (CEO of Ourstory) got the evening rolling by positing individual authenticity as vital to success in the flattened internet empowered global marketplace. Sensemaking becomes the real challenge according to Halliday in a world in which, as Linksvayer put it, "90% of everything is crap." We come to trust individuals, and to a lesser extent brands, who we know because we've connected with "their story." Communication has always been about viewing and understanding other peoples’ stories and finding shared experiences according to Halliday.

Chris Anderson (Editor of Wired Magazine and author of the new book The Long Tail) and John Hagel(author of The Only Sustainable Edge) were lively and provocative. In an exchange that Moira Gunn later characterized as "Chris getting about $8000 worth of free consulting out of John" they discussed the intersection of their two books and what it means for media. As to the matter of authenticity and trust Anderson shared that in the new world where "Hollywood is being challenged by YouTube, the recording industry by MySpace, and the media by the blogosphere" all people will have to make decisions on are reputation, quality of expression and expertise. Hagel felt that in a world of more and more content, filtering services and infomediaries would be in greater demand. These filters will be judged on their ability to deliver what a customer is looking for. "I like what you do. Send me more" is one way he characterized it.

The third panel included Dr. Moira Gunn (TechNation on NPR), Ray Kotcher (Global CEO Ketchum PR), and Craig Newmark (Customer Service Representative and Founder Craigslist) continued the trust theme in response to a question regarding old media versus new media from Mark Jones (IT Editor, Australian Financial Review) who was chairing the panel from Sydney.  They also all felt that much of the characteristics of success in the past will remain true for the future although they may be amplified. Newmark pointed to the runaway success of Craig’s List as evidence that building a trusting community is more important to commerce in the 21st Century than the technology upon which they are delivered.

Kotcher added that while in the past public relations firms could help clients avoid talking about negatives, today “there is no were to run. Your story is going to come out. Your good stories and your bad stories. ”Transparency is a reality in today’s world and the only answer is authentic and honest communication.

Gunn told the story of how Compaq computers came to have such a strange name. When Compaq was about to go to Wall Street for it’s IPO, the tradition of the day called for having the appropriate number of notices in the Wall Street Journal before you’re IPO would be considered legit. This usually took companies a minimum of 12-16 weeks. Compaq did an analysis of words that would catch a reader’s eye no matter the context. Compaq was one of two such highly visible words (the other happened to be Iraq!). Thus they affixed the “q” to their name andexecuted their IPO in 3 weeks.

Gunn then suggested that the game is still the same in building trust both with the market and the general public. But now it’s not a matter of notices in the WSJ, but having enough presence in at least 3-4 diverse media before you will be taken seriously. She held Martha Stewart up as the model. With multiple TV shows, books, videos, an online recipe database, Podcasts, videocasts, magazines, retail products for the home, a line of house paints, DVD’s, greeting cards, furniture, wedding planning services, an online florist shop, and a home architectural design group, Martha is everywhere. Even in the face of her conviction on obstruction of justice charge, Martha is still one of the most trusted names out there.

So there’s one synopsis of the Future of Media conference. In the next day or so, I’ll summarize the discussion what the impact on media business practice and what changes in the media will mean for society.


Unknown said...

Trust online is something near and dear to me. Before getting into CoP and adult leeway, I did rereads on trust. I dent here find, new, but I can add a very academic perspective to this later.

Academic but useful. : )

Dave Lee said...

academic is ok JOE. If you get to above our heads, this community will pull you down to earth quickly.

Unknown said...

So. I own a tablet PC, and sometimes I write things quickly and publish them online. When that happens, I tend to write in my last post.

To clarify, before I began thiniking about adult learning a lot, I did research on trust. I didn't have time (I dent here find, new)but now I can write some thoughts on trust nad how it relates here.

Halliday's commetn about trust being about connecting to "the story" of a brand or person relates to identity-based trust, the most powerfula nd fragile foundation for trust. (I'll drop citations at the end) I have always been fascinated with identity-based trust, because it seems to me in interpersonal relationships, its the one that creaets teh strongest impact - both the existence of it and the loss of it.

However, there are two other bases for trust which are quicker to formand more resilient than idientity: Competence and reliability. Putting them all in context, competency-based trust is trusting you can do something - . Reliability based trust is trusting that you will consistently do something you say you will do. And identity-based trust is trusiting you would do the same thing I would in that situation - I trust you to have my interessts at heart.

All three exist to some extent, and to fully trust someone you need all three active. however, for differnet relationships one or more is in the background. For example, my trust for a coworker is primarily competence and reliability. I will rarely call on them to act on y behalf. trust in a spouse is more identity and reliability - I will rarely need to trust them to be able to achive a task (Spouses driving together is an interesting study in identity-based trust without competency-based trust)

Talking about traditional media right now, I see a breakdown in the competency and reliability based trusts. They are missing or fabricating stories - competnecy breach. And they are not acting in the way they say present themselves - "fair and balanced" is one of the biggest falsehoods of this century so far.

Craig's point on building a trusting community is a good one and delves deeper into the social and collective aspects of trust. So far what I have been talkign about is solely interpersonal trust. It changes when we talk about trusting a group. I can discuss them later, if anywone would be interested.


Trust info based primarily on
“Business on a Handshake,” by Shapiro, D., Sheppard, B. H., and Cheraskin, L.
Negotiation Journal, (8:4), 1992, pp. 365-377

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Anonymous said...

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his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
seanna teen -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
seanna teen -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -

Anonymous said...

boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
taylor twins -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
taylor twins -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
taylor twins -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
tiffany teen -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
tiffany teen -
all internal -
ass traffic -
big naturals -
boys first time -
captain stabbin -
cum fiesta -
gay blind date sex -
give me pink -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
mikes apartment -
milf hunter -
milf next door -
my sex tour -
porn stud search -
sperm swap -
teens for cash -
twinks for cash -
bookworm bitches -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
dirty latina maids -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
naughty office -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
big sausage pizza -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
fast times at nau -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
fast times at nau -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
hardcore partying -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
latin adultery -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
latin adultery -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
milf cruiser -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my first sex teacher -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my friends hot mom -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
girls hunting girls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
milf cruiser -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my sisters hot friend -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
teen hitchhikers -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
naughty office -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
big sausage pizza -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
bookworm bitches -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
teen hitchhikers -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
so cal coeds -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
dirty latina maids -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
girls hunting girls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
hardcore partying -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
housewife 1on1 -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my first sex teacher -
8th street latinas -
alll sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my friends hot mom -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
my sisters hot friend -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -

Anonymous said...

girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
so cal coeds -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
big sausage pizza -
cam crush -
cum girls -
dangerous dongs -
euro sex parties -
first time auditions -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
in the vip -
mike in brazil -
milf challenge -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teen hitchhikers -
tranny surprise -
two chicks one dick -
we live together -
all reality pass -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
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big league facials -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
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mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
all reality pass -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
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big league facials -
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blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bare foot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whores -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
see her squirt -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
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blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big tit patrol -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
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mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
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all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
i spy camel toe -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big tit patrol -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whores -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
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mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
mr chews asian beaver -
all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
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please bang my wife -
all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
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blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bus stop whroes -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
pump that ass -
all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
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mr chews asian beaver -
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reality pass plus -
all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
reality pass plus -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
teeny bopper club -
all reality pass -
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bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
teeny bopper club -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
barefoot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
bare foot maniacs -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
big league facials -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
the big swallow -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
the big swallow -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
bare foot maniacs -
big cock addiction -
big league facials -
big tit patrol -
blind date bangers -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
giants black meat white treat -
horny spanish flies -
i spy camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
coeds need cash -
all reality pass -
all star porn girls -
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Anonymous said...

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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
all sites access -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbain sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
milf seeker -
please bang my wife -
dangerous dongs -
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bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
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please bang my wife -
mike in brazil -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
gangbang squad -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
round and brown -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first big cock -
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just facials -
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she got pimped -
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black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
squirt hunter -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
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just facials -
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cam crush -
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boob exam scam -
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just facials -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
she got pimped -
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her first anal sex -
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her first anal sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
she got pimped -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first anal sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
housewife bangers -
just facials -
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please bang my wife -
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boob exam scam -
first time swallows -
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her first big cock -
her first lesbian sex -
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just facials -
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please bang my wife -
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boob exam scam -
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just facials -
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boob exam scam -
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all sites access -
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just facials -
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boob exam scma -
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just facials -
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fisting lessons -
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tinys black adventures -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
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tinys black adventures -
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xxx proposal -
i love it black -
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fisting lessons -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
xxx proposal -
i love it black -
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fisting lessons -
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see her squirt -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
xxx proposal -
i love it black -
bang bus -
fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
wired pussy -
xxx proposal -
ass traffic -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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pump that ass -
reality pass plus -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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the big swallow -
tinys black adventures -
water bondage -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
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fisting lessons -
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tinys black adventures -
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xxx proposal -
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fisting lessons -
fucking machines -
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Anonymous said...

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