Ok, so it looks like Learning Circuits Blog is not a spam blog after all. And that means that we can ask this month's big question - a few days late.
This month's big question actually was a question asked by an attendee at Jay Cross' presentation on informal learning at ASTD TechKnowledge. She was in charge of designing training and support systems to help people transition into management roles throughout the organization (customer service, sales, operations, etc.). She told us that her organization was used to doing this with instructor-led training, but that she wanted to explore a combination of instructor-led, online and informal learning. She wanted suggestions on things she could do, what she needed to consider, and how to balance what approaches were taken.
So, this month, The Big Question is...
What Would You Do to Support New Managers?
Please answer this question by posting to your own blog or commenting on this post.
(For further help in how to participate via blog posts, see the side bar.)
Points to Consider:
- As much as possible please provide specific suggestions to this person.
- Since dialog with her is possible at this point, if there are key forks in the road - you just have to tell us about them and the options that exist.
- Adele Lim - learning & development - Mar Big Q: Supporting New Managers
- shehnaaz - Interlinked Learnings Learning CIrcuits Big Question --- What Would You Do to Support New Managers?
- Michele Eby Media Partners Trainer's Blog 6 Ways to Bring New Managers Up to Speed
- Karyn Romeis Karyn's blog March's Big Question: What would you do to support new managers?
- Dave Lee eelearning managerial axioms
- TATA Interactive Systems TIS Corporate Blog LCB March 2007: What Would You Do to Support New Managers?
- Brent Schlenker Corporate eLearning Development Everyone is a Manager
- Dave Lee eelearning learning to manage
- Jacob McNulty Revolutions What to do with a new manager? March is the time to find out
- Wendy in-the-middle-of-the-curve Supporting New Managers - 4 Questions
- Tony Karrer eLearning Technology Supporting New Managers
- Tom Haskins growing changing learning creating Coaching new managers
- Ray Sims Sims Learning Connections Supporting New Managers With Informal Learning
- Clark Quinn Learnlets LCBlog’s big question of the month: Supporting New Managers
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