Friday, November 30

December Big Question - What did you learn about learning?

We've somewhat lost our fearless Blogmeister, Dave Lee, so we've not been doing the Big Questions the past few months. I'll be doing the moderating. But, we are starting again ...

The Big Question for December is:

What did you learn about learning in 2007?

To help you get started, you might want to look back at some discussions going on last year at this time with a similar kind of question:
I personally am going to be looking back at some of my blog posts and look for those "aha moments." There were quite a few, but it's always good to go back and look.

January's Topic:

Predictions for learning in 2008

How to Respond:

We are going old-school on this, no forms.

Please post on your blog or put thoughts in a comment.

If you post on a blog, please include a link to this post. Ideally, you would also include the Big Question logo. After you post on your blog, leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog post. Periodically during the month, I will add you to the list below.

By the way, if you can make it as easy as copy and paste for me, that would be great. Otherwise, the links may not look great, but everyone can still get there.

Good stuff already coming in!

Posts So Far:


Jennifer Zapp said...

I've posted my answer to December's Big Question.

Anonymous said...

Here is an answer from Montréal (in French):

Harold Jarche said...

François is asking this same question to his readers and posts his own response at the bottom of the post. I like his point that the more you support learners, the more you slow them down. I look forward to what his other readers may add ...

Benjamin Hamilton said...

I've posted my response on my blog.

Thanks for moderating Tony.

Anonymous said...

Here's my somewhat rambling contribution.

Inge (Ignatia) de Waard said...

My ideas, linked to your question.

Thanks for the idea, it got me thinking.

Wendy said...

I am finally starting to catch up with my reading and blogging.

My cursory, simplistic response

Stuart Kruse said...

I've learnt that talking the talk happens a lot sooner than walking the walk. Lots of great fresh ideas in the ID world, lots of them sparked by the web 2.0 thang, and then absolutely no signs of change in the projects offered by paying customers.

The pace of change in the UK e-learning industry is very, very, very slooooooooooow.

I look forward to doing my first commercial Informal Learning project in about 2020. On the plus side, already doing some amazing Games-based Simulation stuff, but only for one customer. I look forward to finding another customer willing to invest in this stuff in the next year....maybe...

Oh, I've also learnt that having a mid-life crisis comes much earlier these days...I think i'm busy enjoying mine at the grand old age of 35..hmmmmmmm

Maybe I'll go back to the usability world.

Your friendly neighbourhood Mindful Learner

René Meijer said...

My 2p, on assessment of learning and APL:

Clark said...

I've posted my response here:

Here's to models!

Karl Kapp said...

Here is the title and link: Kapp Notes: ASTD's Big Question for December: New Learning

and here is just the url

Tony Karrer said...

Karl wins so far for making my life easy. A simple cut and paste. Thanks!

Tony Karrer said...

Mark's post made me think of a recent joke.

How many pessimists does it take to change a light bulb?

Ah, never mind, you'll never get it.

Harold Jarche said...

Not much, but here it is:

Stephanie Sandifer said...

I've posted my answer:

wslashjack said...

My biggest "Ah-ha" for 2007 is elearning without courses. What does that mean? What does it look like? My comments are my blog.

Unknown said...

Posted my answer here:

Unknown said...

My favorites are some of the concepts of the Personal Learning Environment:

Tom Haskins said...

I've gleaned a bunch of insights this year.

Marcel de Leeuwe said...

Challenging question! I created a Pecha Kucha to answer that question.

Have fun:

Best regards,


Kerry McGuire said...

Great question... here's my big answer:

Anonymous said...

I posted my answer on my Tumblr site: Great question by the way!

Malinka Ivanova said...

Hi! My answer to December's Big Question is on my blog:

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi my answer to December's Big question

Norman Lamont said...

Here's mine. Norman Lamont

testecarla said...

Here's my Big answer
e-Learning Journey"

Geetha Krishnan said...

My simple learning here -

jay said...

My 2007 learning is up at

Jeff Cobb said...

I've posted a belated entry at Mission to Learn


Steppenwolf said...

Here's my response:

Anonymous said...

I finally quit procrastinating and did my post.

Manish Gupta said...

Hi, here is title and the link - G-Cube Solutions

and here is just the link -

Best Regards & Merry Christmas!

Jan said...

My answer is on the following URL:

Title: The BIG Question for December

Have a great end of year!

Dan McCarthy said...

Merry Christmas! I've posted my reponse on my new blog,

Christine Martell said...

ASTD-Cascadia answers the question on the blog and a podcast at

Mary H said...

Here is my answer

Jana Ulrich said...

Whew .. just made it! I have given the BIG question some thought on my "It's all about the learning" blog at

Harold said...

Here are my predictions for Education in 2008. You can find them at

There now I can read what others have posted and see how far out in left field I was. -- Harold