Luckily Stephen Downes came to my rescue by pointing me to a fantastic piece Technology to Enhance Learning in 2015? In it, Derek Morrison talks about his answers to the question:
So what can, should, or will, we offer the digital generation by 2015?In the world of workplace eLearning, the question is only slightly different and leads us to ask for five year out predictions. So the May Question is:

What will workplace learning technology look like in 2015?
or more correctly, how will things have changed from today. What are your predictions.
And if you are smart, you will do what Derek did and keep it in a medium where you can enhance it so that if you look back in five years you can fudge your answers.
I'm looking forward to seeing some interesting responses to this. I hope a few of the old timers like Brent, Mark, Jay - heck - you know who you are - will jump in on this.
How to Respond:
Option 1 - Simply put your thoughts in a comment below.
Option 2 -
Step 1 - Post in your blog (please link to this post).
Step 2 - Put a comment in this blog with an HTML ready link that I can simply copy and paste (an HTML anchor tag). I will only copy and past, thus, I would also recommend you include your NAME immediately before your link. So, it should look like:
Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0
or you could also include your blog name with something like:
Tony Karrer - e-Learning 2.0 : eLearningTechnology
Posts so far (and read comments as well):
- Kimberly Worthy - Stepping onto the eLearning Path: Learning Technology for 2015
- Tony Karrer - Performance Support 2015
- Clark Quinn - Learning Technology 2015
- Jeff's Response to the Big Question
- Tony Karrer - Beginning of Long Slow Death of Flash
- Amit Garg (Upside Learning) - Future of learning technology - 2015
- Is the Matrix the future?
- Ignatia 2015 - augmented learning in a ubiquitous environment.
- Tony Karrer - Future of Virtual 3D Environments for Learning
- Learning Moments
- Logos Learn -Workplace Learning Technology in 2015: Implications for Instructional Design
- Clive Shepherd's predictions
- Lynn Wernham's thoughts
- Rani Gill - 2015 - Signal vs. Noise
- Sreya - Future of organizational learning.
- The BIG Answer - Maybe!
Kimberly Worthy - Stepping onto the eLearning Path: Learning Technology for 2015
many things will be in the cloud, connecting to one another - LMS, LCMS, authoring, virtual classroom, simulation, 3D
David - really good point. Maybe some authoring will still be desktop, but not much else.
Clark Quinn - Learning Technology 2015
Jeff's Response to the Big Question
Amit Garg (Upside Learning) - Futuure of learning technology - 2015
Perhaps David it still more to come sooner.
When I first read this, I immediately thought - wow 2015, I can hardly imagine what life will be like then, let alone learning. Then I realized its 2010. What a dufus.
So, we are really only talking about 5 years in the future!
If I look back at 2005, what were we doing? More stand-alone, LMS courses, social media hadn't really taken off, and webinars were considered pretty slick.
My thinking is that we'll be moving mobile, loving AR and drowning in user generated content at work. I'd love to think that the omnipresent system is accessible all the time and we don't have to run around with our own hardware, but one simple device will suffice. Maybe we'll even be reminiscing about how simple life was when we controlled the learning (or thought we did!). Lame answer I know...I'm obviously craving simplicity today.
Is the Matrix the future?
Ignatia thinks the learning technology in 2015 will be about augmented learning in a ubiquitous environment.
Mike Pino: Rather than focus specifically on technologies or methods of consumption (which can be fool's errands), I think I will reflect trends from the last two five-year periods, which (1) highlight organizational recognition and concern for operational knowledge management at the team level (to expedite decision making in a flatter organization), (2) reflect the context in which organizations must attend to customer and national/international compliance requirements of various industry bodies, and (3) result in central training and development budgets to seek efficiencies of scale and divert budget to low-cost alternatives to face-to-face training in order to provide deeper on-demand support of business activities. I think we are likely to see those trends as organizations continue to flatten and to respond to customers having signficant amounts of data at their command, forcing workers to be more responsible for overseeing their own productivity (a new sort of time management), collaborate within the team and across the enterprise, filter ever-increasing amounts of data (to separate noise from signal), and convert information into knowledge into wisdom actionable by the organization. One wild card to this would be the way in which the economic disruption becomes resolved and how it plays out culturally, socially, organizationally, and globally: the impact of global change to the shifts in economies can certainly result in priority changes to the ways companies decide to hire, organize work, onboard, and train; to the way that workers make retirement decisions; to the way that families and social units respond to said cultural changes and their part in defining status; and the way that governments address business activities.
Will technology be used as a resource for workplace learning in 2015 or will technology be the meat and the potatoes for workplace learning?
Metalearning and Experiential Learning in non-realistic based environments is perhaps more likely the future of visual learning media.
Folks can conference all they like in SL....brick and mortar revisited.
However, the future is in simulation, and transitional experience...with learning metadata built into that 'grid'. Many ways to learn, don't you know. Best regards...very interesting blog!
What will workplace learning technology look like in 2015? Or more correctly, how will things have changed from today. What are your predictions?
Prediction #1 – The work environment and learning environment will continue to mesh into the performance environment. The division between classroom based traditional learning and performance support in the workplace will continue to narrow.
Prediction #2 – Mobile devices will start to make further connections with corporate HR systems and resources allowing employees to access information, resources, and colleagues from the palm of their hand rather than the PC or dedicated terminal.
Prediction #3 – Virtual worlds will continue to be under utilized as design challenges and exportability / transportability remains a serious limiting factor.
Prediction #4 – More contextually based systems will be developed that will feed information procedures to employees based on their role / job using RFID technology and geo-location services. If your mobile device knows where you are and what role you are performing it can provide the appropriate job based support / cues automatically rather than looking for the information yourself.
Prediction #5 – Cybersecuirty will become an increasing challenge for both private and public business requiring more robust information hardening of corporate systems that may limit access to internet based resources.
Prediction #6 – Support to informal learning in the workplace will continue to increase. Businesses and corporations will continue to increase connectivity between pockets of expertise and knowledge to compensate for the loss of expertise due retiring baby boomers.
Prediction #7 – The promise of increased collaboration and creation of shared knowledge will continue to flounder as corporate rewards and incentive programs are not aligned to recognize individual contributions back to the community.
Prediction #8 – Attempts to capture knowledge of departing employees will have created a giant repository of information that is not utilized by employees to support their workplace learning due to poor structure and inability to find information relative to the current context that they are working in.
Prediction #9 – The use of micro-lectures will continue to take hold providing access to short, direct, focused content to support common workplace tasks.
Prediction #10 – No matter what technological innovation occurs during the next 5 years the success of formal training programmes will be reliant on solid instructional design and not the technology used to deliver it.
Clive Shepherd's predictions
Lynn Wernham's thoughts
On a bus ride in the palm of my hand.
Mark - you lost me on that comment.
In real time, 5 years is not that long, however, in computer time, it is equivalent to a millenium.
By 2015, virtual worlds will comprise alot more of LMS 2.0. Virtual Worlds like Second Life will be much more accepted as a teaching tool much like Blackboard or ECollege is now but considered to provide a superior learning experience because of the type of cerebral response avatars generate over multimedia or plain text.
Rani Gill - 2015 - Signal vs. Noise
Sadly I think it will be more of the same just with a few bells on it.
What impact have VLEs etc had on th elearning landscape over the past 10 years - just another place to dump those PowerPoint presentations.
Distance learning/workplace course still supported by hugh volumes of paper based materials with bits of online activity.
Where will the great change come from? Who will drive it? Will the changes within, say, the Open University have an impact on how learning will take place in 2015? Proably too soon and too costly for the average organisation.
Perhaps we currently have the wrong type of learning technologists... just changing content from print to "e" isn't good enough. ebook readers are really just more of the same. What we will make an impact is good quality multi-media content but how easy are such formats abled to be re-purposed for reuse.
So 2015 might still be a time when many of us are still waiting for our Nirvana.
I wrote something related to this post though not entirely. Future of organizational learning.
The BIG Answer - Maybe!
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